How to come out when there is an additional axis moving along the line or pencil tool
Can you show a screen shot of what you are seeing?
Are you referring to axes as shown here?
If so, you must have turned them on at some point. You can turn them off again in Preferences.
Or are you referring to the colored line following the tool as you draw or or move an object?
This is normal behavior and lets you know you are drawing or moving parallel to an axis.
Are you referring to the purple axis? Sometimes depending on tool selected you can use purple axis which will inference certain things. For instance, you can draw a line, hover over another and it may inference the parallel, or perpendicular, or even colinear if your line is at an angle in relation to the standard 3 axis.
You can also toggle between them or lock the direction using the DOWN key on your keyboard, similar to the Right(RED)/Up(BLUE)/Left(Green)