I’ve made a five piece frame and panel cabinet door and exported it as a .dae file to import into other models. I need to resize the door both height and width to precise measurements. The scale tool isn’t adequate because I can’t translate percent proportion into exact measurements. I tried resizing with the tape measure but it always resizes the opposite dimension as well. How can I change, for example, a 20" wide door to 18" without changing its height at the same time and vice versa? The door consists of five pieces in a group.
you could try fredo scale box stretching, tab key toggles on a dimension dialogue. F4 toggles on a divider, ctrl makes two dividers, tab, enter desired size. I think using the plugin makes the selected component unique though. Not sure if there is an option.
You can scale in a single direction and scale to a specific dimension however Scale isn’t likely to be appropriate anyway if you’ve detailed the parts of the door with joinery and such. You can use Fredoscale as indicated by mics_54 or, if you want a native way, use the Move tool. You can edit the rail component, select the geometry at one end and move it to shorten the rail by 2 inches. Assuming you’ve modeled the door correctly, editing one rail should result in the other rail getting the same treatment. You can edit the panel in the same way. If it’s a raised and/or rabbeted panel, use a left to right selection fence over one half of the panel to select the geometry that needs to be moved. For the stile, just move the whole component without editing. You can see this sort of thing in the video here.
Thanks guys for responding. I will try your various methods. The door does have detailed joinery and a raised panel. I tried selecting the geometry on one edge of the raised panel and moving it but it stretched out of proportion instead of moving. Maybe it didn’t select all the right geometry. I’ll post a picture of the door shortly, I don’t have it handy right now. Your ideas have given me food for thought. I’ll keep you posted on what I find. Thanks.
How about sharing the SKP file for the door.
If your door panel has an arched top edge you aren’t going to easily change the size.
I tried FredoScale and it seems to do what I need. Thanks mics_54. I haven’t yet tried modeling an arched panel door. I’m trying to model kitchen cabinets in lieu of a cabinet program that I have. I find Sketchup to be more accurate and versatile. I want to make a library of components and import them into the model as needed. I need a quick and easy way to resize things. I’ve attached the .skp file of the door.
Frame and Panel Door.skp (79.1 KB)
I sent a PM.
Your door isn’t really drawn correctly, at least if you want to be able to show the joinery and other details. As it is, you can just open the door component for editing draw a left to right selection box around the right half of it and use the Move tool to resize it.
If you are planning to build cabinets using SU for design and production, I would suggest modeling them the same way you will build them. Each part of the door (rails, stiles and panel) should be separate components.
I’m not sure I follow. How is it not drawn correctly? I’ve attached a file showing an exploded view of the door. Can you point out which parts are not drawn correctly? The file I uploaded earlier was modified by FredoScale. This one is the original door. The door as a whole is a group consisting of the five parts as components. Is this not the way I should have done it?
Forgot the file. Here it is. Frame and Panel Door v1.skp (33.9 KB)
In the file you shared, none of the individual parts are components. They are all loose geometry within the door component. You can see that easily by looking at Outliner. The only component in the model is the door. If the individual parts were components or groups inside the door component, they would show in Outliner under skpC9E4
This file is different from the one you uploaded earlier.
Yes I know. When I imported the .dae file it changed it to the file I uploaded originally. For some reason all the component data was merged into a single component. (). The second file I uploaded is the original model before I exported it as a .dae file.
Yes, I know. The first file is after I imported it as a .dae file. For some reason it merged all the components into one component (). The second file is the original door before I exported it as a .dae file.
I fixed up the latest upload of the door so the rails are instances of the same component definition so that editing one edits the other.
Just a quick update. I think I’ve solved this issue with FredoScale. I tried using dynamic components but when you resize, it does the same thing as scaling (stretches and distorts the geometry). Because of this attribute, about the only thing I can find scaling useful for is making mirror images of things. It’s really worthless for changing the size (scaling) of anything. I supposed there is some complicated function type programming you could do to dynamic components to keep that from happening but why when FredoScale does a good job without all the geeky stuff. FredoScale keeps all the original geometry intact no matter how big or small you make the model. Nice. Thank you again mics_54 for mentioning that plugin.