How Many Hololens Viewer Licenses do I Need?

We have 2 Hololens headsets and we are interesting in purchasing the viewer so that both headsets can view the same model in the same space. We see where there is a collaborate feature but are unsure as to whether or not the viewer needs to be installed on both headsets. Also, if that is the case, does the viewer need to be purchased twice?

Thanks for any help anyone can give. I’ve been waiting for a response from the help desk but it’s been about a week…

The HoloApp Viewer is a Single user License, so you would have to buy two.

So just to double-check before I tell my boss, there is not a way for Hololens 2 to view the same model Hololens 1 is viewing, unless the $1500 viewer is purchased for Hololens 1 and 2 (for a total of $3000).

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