Hello! I am new to sketch up and have someone about to create my 3d model in rhino. The model will be saved as a .skp file, which I hope to import into Sketch Up pro to edit / drop furniture into.
I am nervous that the whole model won’t translate too well into sketch up. Does anyone have any tips for this, or would you recommend I just get a sketch up developer with software to create the model in the first place?
Thank you!
Just open the file in SketchUp and start adding or editing stuff.
Thank you! I had read that there could be incompatibility issues between the two programmes, but I think perhaps I’ve been overthinking it.
The Rhino export is flawless in my experience.
The only issue is that flat areas like the end of a tube are divided up into triangles but this is easily fixed.
My version of Rhino also applies a rather clunky style to the export but this is also an easy fix.
For me, this is how I get obj files from a photogrammetry app on my phone into Sketchup.
Importing the files into Rhino lets me reduce the density of the mesh to something that doesn’t cause SU to crash or at least lag horribly.