How do I mould a mountain around my golf course

Hi everyone,

I am using the smoove tool to build a mountain up to my golf course but can not seem to make it blend in.

I’ve attached the file.

Can anyone show me how to build a slope up to my mountain?

As per the photo, when I use smoove, I can not create a neat slope down from the golf course. I am trying to make it look like the golf course is on a mountain.

Many thanks,


You could create a terrain separate from the golf course and then modify it (with Sandbox Tools) as close as possible to the desired shape. Then cross the two lands and delete what you do not need.

To increase your chances of getting help, when you distribute the sketchup file, it’s a good idea to save it in an older version so it can be opened directly by those who have SketchUp Make 2017 or older.

I’d maybe do it the other way around. Model your mountain and then “stamp” in the golf course.


So I’ve moulded a mountain around the golf course and stamped the golf course, althought there appears to be multiple errors. Can you please take a look.


Also, is there a way to maintain the google geo location terrain onto the mountain?

If this it’s what you are looking for, you could use my method, which I wrote to you in the first answer.
I only use Sandbox tools, if you have Artisan, then making the new terrain is much easier.

It’s not a one-click solution, but it will give you something to work with and look closer to real ground.

To save a file in an older sketchup format: File > Save as > Save as type

Hi Mihai.s, I am still having trouble moulding the mountain.

Can you please send your file for me to look at?

You can download the file from: HERE

Start by creating the terrein using Sandbox Tool > From Scratch, with a big value of Grid spacing

Then, in the areas where it overlaps with your land, add details with help of Sandbox Tool > Add Detail

Continue with the use of Sandbox Tool > Smoove to give the desired shape to the terrain.

Be careful that the new terrain intersects the one you had.

Finally, use Paint Bucket Tool to retrieve texture from the satellite terrain and apply it to the new terrain.

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