As you can see, my mouse is at one of the corners of the polygon. How would I make it so that the radius isn’t determined by the centre-corner distance, but the centre-side distance? So instead of my mouse being on one of the corners, it’s in the middle of one of the sides.
I can only find two polygon tools. One creates prisms with hard eges after pushpulling the other creates prisms with soften/smooth edges after pushpulling.
There’s a little more difference than that. SketchUp treats the results of the Circle tool as true circles, for some operations. Unfortunately not for tangents or intersections.
Resurrecting a thread from 8 years ago! @drankpee “option” is the modifier key for Mac. However note that you must be using the Polygon Tool, not the Circle Tool.
What’s not accurate? In most cases tools that use Option on Mac use Ctrl on Windows. This included the Inscribed/Circumscribed modifier for the Polygon tool.
Why did you put bogus information in your forum profile. If you want to be taken seriously, put the correct information in your forum profile.
apologies and – oh wow – really got my wires crossed on another forum / post in another tab. Looking for a way to draw polygons from outside corner / segment length– not from radius. good to know there’s such a thriving and quick-to-respond community here.
You should have started a new thread and told us that in the beginning.
If you are drawing a hexagon, the radius to the corner is the same as the side length. For other polygons you could resize them after drawing them to make the side length whatever you want.