Higher resolution objects for 3D printing

Hello there,

I thought I would post this in SketchUp general in the hopes it will reach a larger audience.

I am trying to improve the resolution of these objects so I can 3D print them out to a decent quality.

I have tried SubD however despite scaling up by 100 I keep getting this error message.

I was wondering if anyone can advise to another way of improving the resolution of these types of shapes, most of which have been created with a plug in called Curviloft.


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What about scaling up 1000x ?

Thanks as I say I have tried this :frowning:

Actually, you said you had tried 100x, not 1000x.

You’ll need to continue scaling up until you no longer run into the SketchUp small scale face (aka coincident vertices) issue .

my advice is to draw it right in the first place…

the most important question is what is the 3D printers resolution for your end material…

it varies wildly from wax dental to concrete house printers…

once you know your target maximum edge length, there are plugins that can be used to set the initial edge count for your items largest base circle…

this will vary from your largest to smallest radius, but you need consistency to produce a usable SU file…

this create issues unless you scale for the the smallest edge that any intersection might require…

if you work in millimetres, model in meters, etc…

once you have a solid model there are some MeshLab recipes out there for fast optimisation…


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