Help with simple 3d model

Hi There, ive been using sketchup for several years, self tought, for woodworking. Ive recently purchased a 3d printer so im trying to model usuable parts such as this vacuum hose clip that i can screw to a workbench.

Im trying to create a hole in the clip for an M6 countersunk bolt of which the head sits flush with the curved surface. Ive drawn it how i want it to look but dont know how to execute it so the model is solid. Would really appreciate some help please.

Heres the sketchup file.

Centec Hose Extrusion Clip.skp (58.3 KB)

When I need to do this sort of thing I would model the “drill” as a solid object and have the clip as a solid component. Then use Eneroth Solid Tools or even the native Solid tools to make the drill create the hole. Here I’m using Trim so the “drill” isn’t deleted and I have a copy of the clip component to the right to show that the hole has been cut.

The clips here were done exactly the same way. These are for M6 screws which I also 3D printed.
Bag Clips

BTW, I’m glad to see you are modeling with units set to Meters.


Vacuum Clip.skp (46.6 KB)
Since I use SU Go, I had to use intersect faces. I move/copied the inside parts out side and made the circles with 24 segments each. I closed off the openings in the front and back of the vacuum hose attachment. I then, push/pulled each end of the innards out a little past where they interect the rest of the vacuum hose attachment. I then cut it, opened the other part up for edit,and pasted the innards in place. I intersected faces with selection and erased the parts that weren’t needed.

You could have used the Solid Tools with SketchUp Go.

True, just used intersect faces in this case.

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Presumably you wanted to countersink for a flat head … yes?
In that case you just need to “extend” the plane of the countersink enough to intersect with the hose clip. Only thing tricky about that is that the “follow me” profile MUST be orthogonal to the path.

After that it is simply a matter of intersecting the plane of the countersink with the hose clip.

Here is the resulting model.
240915A_Centec_Hose_Extrusion_Clip.skp (71.5 KB)

There’s nothing wrong with the shallow counterbore the OP had almost had set up in their model.

You are correct! Nothing wrong with the small counterbore.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for this.

Would you mind showing the full process of how you did this?

About to sit down to dinner but I copied the top face of your clip over to the side and used Push/Pull to give it thickness and then I made it a component. For the drill, I copied your countersink object over, edited the object, traced an edge segment on each end to create faces which I extruded to make it a solid. I also corrected the face orientation so the white sides were out.

Got there in the end thanks for your help.

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Hi DaveR

Are you familiar with 3d printing and Bambu Studio?

Ive replicated the clip several times making them different sizes and would like to have as 1 STL file so i can import all into bambu studio at once. But how can i do it so they are individual objects in BS so i can rearange accordingly. I was thinking that having them individual components would make this possible but it doesnt.

Ive tried splitting into parts or object in BS but then it seperates the text from the clip even though the text is nested withing the clip component.

Hopefully you can help or tag someone who is familiar with 3d printing and BS.

Many thanks

Vacuum Hose Extrusion Clips.stl (1.9 MB)


I am familiar with 3D printing but not Bambu Studio. With the Creality slicer I use I would have to import different .stl files to be able to move the objects around. I don’t believe a single .stl file can be imported with the objects treat separately. That might be a thing for the Bambu people.

Hi All,

Im back again with another question similar item im drawing.

So its another clip but for a different purpose. I want to make all diameters ranging from 40mm internal diameter down to 33mm internal diameter.

Im trying to streamline workflow and think in a way that makes this as quick and simple as possible rather than drawing everyone individually which takes forever.

So i used the copy array to create guidlines and copies of the clip all equally spaced but now i want to know if theres a way to scale the clips down to the different diameters that i want but also retain the clip thicknes of 4mm as scaling scales all dimensions so perhaps theres another way?

I look forward to your replies to enlighten me and show me how simple it is!!

Thanks Dan

Festool TS55 Hose-Cable Clips.skp (45.0 KB)

If you scale the group or it’s geometry, you’ll scale the diameters but also the thickness of the clip. You could draw the inner arc, make the copies, scale them, and then add the thickness.

If I were modeling these things I guess I would start by drawing a full circle and making each copy a different diameter. I’d use Offset to define the 4mm thickness and then extrdue them to length resulting in solid objects. For the gaps in the sides I would model a cutter volume and use Eneroth Solid Tools, BoolTools2 or Solid Tools to create them.


So how do i scale the diameter to a set diameter that is also what im struggling with?

If it’s just a circle you can select it and edit the radius in Entity Info. If you want to use the Scale tool, start scaling it and type in the desired diameter including the units.


I would have to make the every cutter model the same size radius as the clip radius wouldnt i if i want the cut out piece to be the same size relative to its clip?