Hello! I use Windows 64-bit and Sketchup Pro 2022. I need some help modeling a railing for my staircase. I already modeled all the steps, but am stuck on the railiing. I would like it to wrap around smoothly around the staircase like so:
I extruded the railing upwards but I’m not sure how to make that spiral effect. I couldn’t really make all the steps components because i realized they had slight variations one from the other so I just extruded them as is from the floorplan.
Draw a guideline along with the railing profile. Then, use the Follow Me tool to seamlessly create the geometry.
Another approach is to employ extensions like TrueBend. Start by sketching a straight stair with the railing, and then apply the bend for an elegant spiral effect.
For a more in-depth guide with step-by-step examples, check out this video:
Hello! I’ve been trying to follow along with that video but most steps require all the steps to be of the same component. All my steps are in groups. Is there a way to just cut the extruded railing at an angle that matches the curve of the steps?
When I have to create complex stairs I usually use the plugin flowify, I watched a video from tutorials up a long time ago and it became my favorite method to create that kind of stairs.
I didn’t find the exact video that I watched, now I’m not even sure if it was from tutorials up, but I found a pretty good one.