Help! animating 2 sliding doors moving apart

Hi I need help.

I am relatively new to dynamic components. I have two sliding doors that move apart to cover a TV. I have made it so they move independently but I don’t know how to make them move at the same time. I tried grouping them but it wigged out not sure what went wrong.


place both in same parent with one onclick that each door reads

Hi so sorry what do you mean by in the same parent?

With Dynamic Components Parent and Child refer to the nesting level of a component. The Child component is nested (contained) inside the Parent component. A Parent can have many children, but the Child only has one Parent. If you want help you should upload your file so others can look at it, edit and repost it for you.


I’ve uploaded it now, the file was too big originally so I had to change it. Thanks for your explanation. If you can help me further I would really appreciate it

sliding doors.skp (4.9 MB)

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Here you go.

sliding doors edit.skp (4.9 MB)

You will notice the use of the Parent! reference in formula instead of the actual name, keeps things cleaner and easier to read, and avoids errors if you change the Parents name.

You can do this as well with the Fredo Animator extension - Looks like you got it but good to know just in case :wink: See Matt’s video here:

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