I have a new Mac book - when I go to open 3D warehouse to import items, the options are in light grey and not able to open. Can anyone advise?
Are you signed in?
yes I am
What version of SketchUp?
The lastest version
I’m not having any trouble with the 3D Warehouse on my Mac which would lead me to think this isn’t a problem with the Warehouse.
If you sign out of SketchUp and back in, (lower left corner of the main SketchUp window) does anything change?
Thanks Dave. It seems that since I have last used Sketch up or with the new version - I need to access 3D model shop via windows and download the component and import it. Do you know if this is the only way?
Are you running Windows on Mac ? Bootcamp or virtual ?
I’m not sure what bootcamp or virtual is - but yes I am running windows on a Mac
That might be the problem. Try clearing Internet Explorer’s temporary internet files.
Thank you - I will try this
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