Have you noticed that 3Dwarehouse's new look is terrible?

I just noticed that the new look and feel of 3Dwarehouse has changed. And it is worth mentioning that it seems worse than the old version. Has anyone noticed this? Why do they do that? This is crazy.

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first, your profile say you use a free plan 2022. there is no free plan 2022. it’s either pro 2022 or free. just free.

second, a quick look-around would have given you this

third, feel free to go look around on the forum and introduce yourself.

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I’m not an avid user of the 3D warehouse, I prefer to create my own models, a lot of models from the 3D warehouse are very messy and some assets have a level of detail that is unnecessary for the role they play in the model, said that, the new ui of the warehouse looks better to me than the old one, it has some new useful features, but at the end it’s something subjective, not everyone has the same tastes, it’s impossible to create something that will be liked by the 100% of people, it happens with art, architecture, cars, websites, food, clothes and everything created by humans.