Right, It’s absolutely enough to show only the optimal way for this specific case.
I think the more you are a beginner, the more you will love your style of creating these gifs, because you can follow each step without one spoken word easily… (I love them too of course).
99,99% agree -
but it´s not easy to find gothic (better : gotische; “gothic” seems to me perversed) architecture, where one window is equal to it´s neighbor.
Damit das mal nicht nur so dahin geredet ist.
I have no idea what your random Panorama is suppose to tell us…
but it appears your understanding of Gothic architecture is somewhat limited.
Holy ■■■■ that is amazing.
“where one window is equal to it´s neighbor.”
The Panorama shows some windows but all looking different.
I would prefer a method which is able to draw all these windows.
But if 99,99% hurts your honor - ok - 100% for that what you said about tutorials.
Don’t you get it.
This thread is a tutorial on how to make one specific type of window.
What on earth is hard for you to understand about that.
Please refrain from adding any more off topic comments to this thread.
I said : “100% ok for that what you said about tutorials”
What on earth is hard for you to understand about that ?