Hello! I come for help again. Here’s my problem,
At first I have a model file simplewithgroup.skp and there is one group in it. The model looks like this:
After I break the group, the model happens to look like this:
It seems that all the vertices uvs have changed. Then I save the change to another file simplewithoutgroup.skp.
At last, I load these two files in my own program to see if i can get the right uvs. It turns out that I can get right uvs from the model without a group and can’t get right uvs from another model with a group.
One vertice i get is (54.80995, -14.41791, 66.8265), its uv coordinate in the model without a group is (1.34621, 0.60907, 1.000), while in the model with a group it’s (10.04553, 16.03673, 1.000) which is wrong.
So I have two questions:
- Why do the uvs change when I break the group? Do they really change?
- Does the group have any effect on the mesh vertice’s uv? If so, what should i do to get right uvs? I have searched almost all the head files of sketchup c api, and couldn’t find if there is any relation between group and uv.
p.s. I use SUMeshHelperGetFrontSTQCoords to get uv, and have no other calculation on it.
simplewithgroup.skp (136.8 KB)
simplewithoutgroup.skp (136.0 KB)