Genuine question - is Skalp dead?

Hi JuJitsoup,

I’m guilty of being in the Architectural & Construction industry & drawing electronic lines for a living, even old enough to be proud of using drawing boards back in the early 80’s & using those crazy needle like ink pens. I guess large high street practices can afford to use well rounded & expensive CAD products that are capable of producing 2D, 3D, Bim & photo realistic models. Besides that, most people seem to have an allegiance with whatever software they currently use, so I’m not surprised in the down-nose comments by non-su’ers, we all tend to do this.

However I digress, so when I use SU, I mostly am looking to wrap things up by using SU-LAYOUT, it works for me, I reckon it depends on how good a CAD driver you are, I must be F1 standard, as I can drive it anyway I want.

These SU-LAYOUT plans look no joke to me… :slight_smile:

Over & out,