Future of Sketchup (including Pro) in 2021-2022

He Christophe / @presence-architecture or whomever you are now, thanks for asking, my favorite addition in LayOut was actually introduced a version earlier, control of tags in the SketchUp viewport. For 2021, we can now just type the scale instead of choosing from a list.

I am now learning Unreal Engine, managed to create a texture:

The next two years I will be spending some more time in Unreal, I hope to show some results next year :joy:

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I really like tag control also from 2020 which was further enhanced by tag folders also accessible in Layout.

That’s why you read the release notes….LOL!

there is far more use of tag control than simply “fixing” improperly set up scenes in SU. You simply haven’t explored them yet.

Sounds like you leaning towards moving on from SU since you feel the team is not working on improvements…which they are. If you actually took the time to read the release notes and what they are working on you would see that.

There is nothing wrong for looking for improvements and constructive criticism. However saying they’ve done nothing in a decade is absurd and is of no help to the team in any way. Are you a beta member? If not, maybe see if you can be and be a part of the improvements rather than a sideline complainer.

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I’m an Architect? I don’t have software. I’m a user only.

If you are so versed, do you think your criticism in this thread has been constructive? In one thread you haven’t read the release notes, now suddenly you’ve read them all?

Then state with confidence that no progress has happened in a decade. The whole conversation is getting old.

Move on man!


sketchup need a timeline modification tab : a history of work like in fusion 360 and some modifier integrated in it :slight_smile:

I have seen 2022 mentioned in some of the extension warehouse apps. They state that their app is compatible with SU 2022. I wonder if that implies there will be a 2022 ???

Either that or a typo.

It’s reasonable to expect a new sketchup each year.

There are more extensions stating they are not compatible with any such hypothetical version. It looks like the majority agree that there is no evidence of such a version.

And if it would ever happen, there is still a year left. If they do not by mistake increment the version number too much (like other well-known companies did).

The coming of 2022 seems more and more likely by the hour.


assuming the release of a the next major version sometime around the turn of the year (as in the past) doesn’t seem to be very clairvoyantly… after a SU release is before a SU release :yum:

Am pretty sure that multi-core and high-poly count support as well as a LO running 10x times faster will be implemented… maybe :grimacing:

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You are not who the software is aimed at… obviously? If you want more control over organic objects then stick with Blender! I have been using Sketchup for 16 years & it has pretty much made my business what it is today. The evolution of SU has more than satisfied my requirements & the “silly extensions” make it the tool that it is… which is any tool!
Don’t take criticism personally, people aren’t getting annoyed with you, they are just pointing out your ignorance of SU… your free SU.

My criticism is healthy. The purpose of my critique is to develop the program. I love Sketchup thats why talk about. I am not going on different softs forum and text anything. :slight_smile: respect to team but i think SU can more. That my idea. ;)) i dont understand your angry emotions.
Good luck.

SketchUp = constructive modeling vs. Blender = artistical modeling

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Not necessarily…check out Box’s “outside the box” thread. Some remarkable artistry examples.

??? No one models in Blender, at least of the people who evangelize it in these forums. I would guess that most of its users use it as a free renderer to models coming from elsewhere.

thus “roughly”, the exception confirms the rule.

??? I doubt this, at least for all users.

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