Hello! I’m working on a room, where I’m trying to add a matching ceiling and floor trim. Now I know I did something wrong because when I triple click the shape I made for it (as my instructor demonstrated it) and it selects the whole wall. I was also going to make it half the length that it is but I can’t do that until the follow me tool works. I can get it across one wall but not the others. It says the actual sketch up file is too big to share though
use something like wetransfer. it’s kinda hard to diagnose just from a pair of photos
Is there something else I can try that didn’t seem to work
when you say wetransfer doesn’t work, it makes me fear the actual weight of the file…
It says it is 16MB
the limit on the forum is 16MB.
the limit on wetransfer is something like 1GB
the limit on the link I gave is 50GB.
You only need the perimeter of the room as a path and the profile that needs to be extruded with ‘Follow Me’.
Inside a new group draw all the connected edges along the top of all the walls of the room. They will form the path. Also inside that group draw your profile. Now apply the ‘Follow Me’ operation inside this group using both path and profile.
If the room is complex with many edges on its perimeter, it is easy to forget one when selecting. Then the path has a gap and the Follow Me doesn’t work.
The easiest way is to have a floor composed of one face. Its perimeter is the path that you can use for the baseboards.
If you double clcik on the face, it is selected as well as its perimeter. The Follow Me tool doesn’t ming about the face and uses only the perimeter.
The same floor can be used for the ogees at the top of the floor.
Of course, you will need to cut openings for doors for the baseboards but the ogees shall be fine.
Just selecting the face works as well…