Follow Me tool error

I updated to the 2020 ver from 2017, but no correction on this issue. When I draw an elbow, for example, the extrusion does not complete the 90 deg in the curved line. See attached.

What am I doing wrong or is this "glitch!

Water Neck|690x412 "?

It’s not a “glitch” at least in the software. Follow Me requires that the first segment of the path be perpendicular to the profile and it will end the extrusion perpendicular to the last segment of the path. You are using an arc for the path around the bend and neither the first nor the last segment are perpendicular to the direction you need. If you ran Follow Me for the entire length of the pipe shown in your model you would have this issue. If you only want to run Follow Me on the bend, start a circle instead of an arc. Divide the circle at the midpoints of edges 90° around. Erase all but the remaining arc and use it as the path.

Please complete your profile.

Dave, Thanks for your response to my question. I followed your instructions, but I get the same result. See my Bfr and Aft pics.

Johnny Hale


It doesn’t look like you have the end segments of the arc at 90° to each other or to the ends of the pipe.

Here’s the correct set up.

Draw the circle dragging the radius out on axis like normal.

Rotate the circle so that an edge is at the top instead of the vertex. With a default 24-sided circle that requires rotating it 7.5°. Divide the edge of the circle at the midpoints of the sides that are 90° to each other. I just drew two radii.

Erase everything byt the section of arc for the Follow Me path.

Thanks David, I got it!

Johnny Hale
