Hi, I want to make a line around a sphere to allow me to extrude a shape along a path on a spherical surface. I’ve seen videos that show the ability to do that on the desktop version, but I can’t figure out how to do that on the iPad (or if it’s even possible).
Hi Renegado,
here´s the help section about the follow me tool on iPad.
Check it out!
Yes, I already know that, thanks. I’m specifically looking to make a path along the surface of a sphere, which isn’t covered by that page, or by the official YouTube videos.
Hi @Renegado, great question. I recorded a quick video that hopefully helps answer your question.
Thanks, this helps. I actually want to make a path that changes direction on the surface of the sphere - I’m trying to make a rectangle that conforms to the surface of the sphere as a path that I can then extrude a shape along. Here’s what I drew (this is essentially the model I’m trying to make). See the frame that goes along the edge of the viewport? That.
Maybe this will help. All native tools. Took longer to explain than to actually do it. Hope it makes some sense.
I think @tuna1957 and I are on the same page here (I like that you showed adding in the rounded corners… nice touch!).
Here’s another quick vid:
Mike , glad you posted up the second vid. I’m not familiar with all the differences between the free version and pro version. Got to wondering after I posted if you get the same menu by right clicking. Doesn’t seem so?
(@tuna1957 the videos were recorded in SU for iPad - not free )
Wow, thanks. I certainly can’t complain about the lack of support I’ve gotten - several videos and graphics made specifically to answer my questions - cheers!