Flooring texture - cork

Hello, I am wanting to add cork floorboards to my model and can either seem to be able to add wooden floorboards (found in sketchup texture website) or just cork but not in floorboards.
Is there a way of adding the wooden floorboards and then turning them in to a cork colour and texture?
There doesn’t appear to be just cork floorboards that I can just change the colour of.
This is the look and type of flooring I want to add.

Thank you.

You’ll need to combine two textures to show the ‘boards’. See quick example…I’m sure you can do better with a little more adjusting layers:

  1. Overlay board texture on top of cork in an image editor such as Photoshop:

  2. Redraw the board joints or set the layer style to something like ‘Divide’ to allow b0oth textures to show at once:

  3. Test it out in your model:

Thank you!