Feature Request - Lock dimension tool to axis in SketchUp using arrows

It would be nice if we had the ability to lock the dimension tool to an axis using the arrows just like you do when drawing lines, circles, etc. It would be especially nice to have the down arrow key function for this when trying to dimensions off-axis lines.

As it is now sometimes the dimension tool gets stuck on the blue axis when you are trying to layout your dimensions on the red axis. To get it unstuck you have to change your orbit to break it loose or use the rotate tool to reposition it.

Yo can use plugin like Auto magic dimensions

Thank you for the suggestion, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I’m not really excited about paying $19.99 for a 3rd party extension when I am paying a $300 subscription to SketchUp. It is my hope that SketchUp will use their subscription model to improve their software and add this and other functionality, so we are less reliant on 3rd party extensions.
Some of the extensions I have used are no longer being updated by the 3rd party developers such as Dim Tools, which is super buggy and on install says it is not compatible with Sketchup 2020.
So here I am looking for a new extension rather than using the onboard tool. It is my hope that the developers will make the onboard tools awesome right out of the box, and rely less on 3rd party extensions that may or may not be compatible in the future.

So basically trimble steals all the plugin ideas and adds them to sketch-up? they are doing that anyway LOL take Tig weld as an example.I used to use Dim tools and yes it is well buggy but found auto magic dimension to be 10 times faster and save me hours at work putting dimension on kitchen plans so I don’t mind the small fee.

I’m not sure I would call parallel thinking steeling, I realized while working with the dim tool, it could be more useful if it had arrow key functionality, so I suggested it not knowing you had a plugin with that function.
If Sketchup implements it based on my suggestion I don’t think that is stealing from developers.

Also building on past ideas creates, competition and innovation. Apple came out with the smartphone, and now Google and Samsung are in competition with them on who can develop the best smartphone. That’s good for the consumer, and I don’t see any of those big 3 hurting for money.

As for Tig, since I see him active in the SU community and participates in the conferences, I’m willing to bet he has financially benefited from his relationship with Trimble.

There are other ways to integrate plugin ideas besides stealing them.
If Trimble sees a developer putting out great ideas, they should hire that person as either a freelancer or bring them on as part of their staff. Then that person would be compensated for their efforts. It would benefit both parties. Sketchup will be able to build out its software with great ideas and developers will be able to make money without having to troll the forums waiting for an opportunity to suggest their extension hoping someone will buy it.

If Sketchup integrates more plugins into its software it will be a better user experience in the end.

No more having to reload all your extensions after a major SU update. If they are baked in they will get updated at the same time

No more searching the Extention warehouse hoping to find an extension that works

Then spending hrs trying out 3 different but similar extensions to figure which one actually does what it says it does in an understandable way.

No more issues with outdated extension from developers that have lost interest in keeping their stuff current.

Better product support of not having to go back and forth between SU and Extenstion developers when there is a bug.

no more frustration of spending $300 a year for a subscription only to find out it is inadequate and having to spend more money in extensions for the functionality that comes standard in other 3d modelers.

That last one is a big one. My kids and their friends are seeking degrees in science, engineering, and architecture. SketchUp is not even a thing with them, Some don’t even know what it is. The ones that do say it is inadequate for what they want to do, or find it irritating to use because of all the endless little quirks that it has (like the dim tool getting stuck on an axis).

They are using programs like Revit, Rhino, or Auto Desk products. Yes, these have a much steeper learning curve. Yes, a benefit of having a short learning curve is what SketchUp prides itself on. But our kids don’t really care about the steeper learning curve when it comes to other software, they have grown up in a more tech-savvy world than us, so these more complicated programs are second nature to them.

When I watch this next generation use these products, yes it is a more complicated program to use, but they are not frustrated with things like the dim tool getting stuck on an axis, the mesh being broken, having to use the “Dave method” to draw a small arch, why does solid tools break the component, its a component for a reason! etc.

To stay current and relevant for the next generation, as well as keep their current user base happy, Trimble needs to figure out how to add more functionality to its program. They need to do it in a manner that is simple to use, to keep their core values of having an easy learning curve. They also need to fix all the buggy stuff that exists in the stuff they have already built.

So yeah, I hope they make deals with talented extension developers to make SU better or build on their ideas to make it better, and they need to do it at a faster rate than they are. Either way, I don’t see it as stealing.
Looking at what my kids are doing, they are behind the ball.

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