Extrude face to face

Is there a way to extrude (push) a face to another face without the need to trim it separately?

For example a pitched roof as attached that has full height walls. Once the walls are drawn out I would need to push them beyond the roof and then intersect faces (I like using groups) which is time consuming and on complex projects, quite messy.

In ArchiCAD for example I would be able to select one face (the walls) and then the inside of the roof (ceiling) and the walls would only extend to meet the roof, no trimming required.

Yes, with TIGs ExtrudeTools plugin.

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Standard practice would be to make the roof a group and the walls another. Then you can use Solid Tools to trim.

In general, if you find something that is taking to long with SketchUp’s native tool, there’s probably an extension to do the hard work for you!

Curic extend:


Excellent suggestions, thank you.

Here’s an animation of it…


I’m not finding that particular extension by Curic.

I think it is going to be part of a package, to be released soon @vbo ?

My Extrude Tools are here:

If you are not a member, as well as the paid membership options [offering freebies, discounts etc], there is a free membership option [click the blue button near the page-top and also elsewhere…]
You can download extensions [only available from there] and take part in its forums…


Thanks. I did find yours. I’ll be trying it out.

Is the Curic one not available yet?

Curic Extend and many others were tested in a (very :wink:) secret facebook group, you had to be a member.
Now, testing is over, I am not sure how far the developer is with selling/licensing/trial etc.
Pinging @vbo

BUT my olde [‘free’] extensive toolset has worked for many years…


With Curic Extend, just one click :smiley:

Yeah, we saw that video, but were to obtain?:smiley:

Where can we download Curic Extend?

i cant found extrude face by face

As explained in last year’s post, you get the toolset from

The specific tool used in the movie example is called ExtrudeEdgesByVectorToObject