Extension to re-path textures?

Hello, I’m working on projects using SketchUp & layout for construction documents and renderings as well but what I want to do is having 2 sets of textures…one in grayscale for layout and one in color for renderings.

  • Printing sets in color are very expensive and sometimes the colors get too dark…this is why I need the grayscale version.

I couldn’t find an extension that swap and updates material and textures… anybody here knows something that I could use for this task?



I’d handle the whole thing differently. Instead of two sets of textures, I’d use Jim’s Grey Scale plugin to change the materials back and forth.

Thanks, Dave…I’ll check it out

it works partially for what I need. the textures in grayscale that I want to use for layout are almost white, for example, if I’m using wood floor or tile the texture would be almost white with the joins in dark grey or black…let’s say windows frames are black but for layout should look white…like traditional architectural drawing in CAD.

with two texture sets, one can have more control of how you want to see in layout.

XREF_model is my base model in color

I have a CD_floorplan where I referenced my XREF_model and I generate floorplans using Scalp… So I want to change the materials here but keeping my XREF_model intact to be used in renderings, Virtual tour, etc

like CD_floorplans I have CD_Elevations & Sections, CD_Interiors, CD_SIte, ETC. ( Grayscale versions of the colors and textures)

and XREFs ( Home, Build-ins, Doors&Windows, Site, etc) (all in colored and Textured)

initially, I was doing this manually but when I reload(update) the XREFs the materials went back in color again…So I’m doing everything in color except floorplans but when the builders print the set they look terrible and it’s expensive… When I print them out in-house they look great.

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