I am getting error, while trying to load the code in the ruby console
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'sketchup.rb'
module Sekar24 # Main module names
module Kitchen # Module name
Class << self
def start_test()
model = Sketchup.active_model
entities = model.active_entities
group = entities.add_group
#----INPUT DATA -------------
prompts = ["Width: ","Height: ","Depth: "] # array of prompts
defaults = ["50.0","100.0","10.0"] # array of default inputs (as strings)
list = ["","",""] # array of default responses
input = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "Enter Panel Parameters" # displays prompt / returns array of inputs
width = input[0].to_l # converts input string to model units
height = input[1].to_l # converts input string to model units
depth = input[2].to_l # converts input string to model units
# ---------------------------------------------
face = group.entities.add_face([0,0,0],[width,0,0],[width,0,height],[0,0,height],[0,0,0]) # add a face using the data
face.pushpull(depth,false) # push/pull the face (special case: if created on the x/y plane, a negative number is needed)
end # end of 'def'
end # end of 'class'
unless file_loaded?("kitchen.rb") # if the file is not loaded into SketchUp, execute the next lines
# The next line adds a menu item to the PlugIns menu (i.e., 'Extensions' menu) and executes the code inside
# the braces (i.e, 'start_test()') when clicked - the 'UI' is a SketchUp API item
menu = UI.menu("PlugIns").add_item("Kitchen") { start_test() }
file_loaded("kitchen.rb") # since the file wasn't loaded at this point, load it from disk
end #end of 'unless'
end #end of 'module'
end #end of 'module'