Hi everyone,
I have a.skp file representing a house, and I use the function SUComponentInstanceSaveAs to isolate some of its elements in another temporary file, which I then read using SUModelCreateFromFile.
It works fine for several test cases, but I just got a new one and there is one element (one of the walls of the house) which leads to a SU_ERROR_SERIALIZATION when calling SUModelCreateFromFile, while the corresponding call to SUComponentInstanceSaveAs seems to work fine (at least it returns SU_ERROR_NONE)
I really don’t get what’s wrong and I wonder if anyone has ever experienced such an issue?
Could something be wrong in the original model of the house?
Any help would be appreciated. I can provide the original .skp if need be.
The SUComponentInstanceSaveAs
API function has serious issues which have been logged in the official API issue tracker:
opened 03:54PM - 04 Oct 19 UTC
closed 03:51PM - 08 Feb 22 UTC
The issue is that SUComponentInstanceGetTransform always returns identity when r… equesting on a parsed component instance from a [model skp file](https://forums.sketchup.com/uploads/short-url/aWMKUyX8PiMCa4IAIGC2CnaCjyn.skp).
Consider the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <SketchUpAPI/common.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/geometry.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/initialize.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/model.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/entities.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/face.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/edge.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/vertex.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/component_definition.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/component_instance.h>
#include <SketchUpAPI/geometry/transformation.h>
int main(int n, char **args) {
// Always initialize the API before using it
if (n > 1 && !strcmp(1[args], "display"))
SUModelRef model = SU_INVALID;
SUModelCreateFromFile(&model, "new_model.skp");
SUEntitiesRef entities = SU_INVALID;
SUModelGetEntities(model, &entities);
size_t count = 0;
SUEntitiesGetNumInstances(entities, &count);
std::cout << "instance count: " << count << "\n";
SUComponentInstanceRef* instances = (SUComponentInstanceRef*)_alloca(count * sizeof * instances);
size_t szinstances;
SUEntitiesGetInstances(entities, count, instances, &szinstances);
std::cout << "returned instances count: " << szinstances << "\n";
while (szinstances--)
struct SUTransformation matrix;
SUComponentInstanceGetTransform(instances[szinstances], &matrix);
struct FloatingPosition {
double x, z, y, d;
} pos = { .x = matrix.values[12], .z = matrix.values[14], .y = matrix.values[13], .d = matrix.values[15] };
printf("%f, %f, %f\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
return 0;
// Create an empty model
SUModelRef model = SU_INVALID;
SUResult res = SUModelCreate(&model);
// It's best to always check the return code from each SU function call.
// Only showing this check once to keep this example short.
if (res != SU_ERROR_NONE)
return 1;
// Get the entity container of the model
SUEntitiesRef entities = SU_INVALID;
SUModelGetEntities(model, &entities);
// Create a loop input describing the vertex ordering for a face's outer loop
SULoopInputRef outer_loop = SU_INVALID;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
SULoopInputAddVertexIndex(outer_loop, i);
// Create the face
SUFaceRef face = SU_INVALID;
SUPoint3D vertices[4] = { { 0, 0, 0 },
{ 100, 100, 0 },
{ 100, 100, 100 },
{ 0, 0, 100 } };
SUFaceCreate(&face, vertices, &outer_loop);
// Add the face to the entities
SUComponentDefinitionRef def = SU_INVALID;
SUEntitiesRef defentities = SU_INVALID;
SUComponentDefinitionGetEntities(def, &defentities);
SUEntitiesAddFaces(defentities, 1, &face);
SUComponentInstanceRef instance = SU_INVALID;
SUComponentDefinitionCreateInstance(def, &instance);
static SUTransformation matrixtransform;
constexpr SUVector3D point = { 666, 666, 666 };
SUTransformationTranslation(&matrixtransform, &point);
SUComponentInstanceSetTransform(instance, &matrixtransform);
SUEntitiesAddInstance(entities, instance, nullptr);
//comment the next line to make it work
SUComponentInstanceSaveAs(instance, "instance.skp");
// Save the in-memory model to a file
res = SUModelSaveToFile(model, "new_model.skp");
// Must release the model or there will be memory leaks
// Always terminate the API when done using it
if (res != SU_ERROR_NONE) {
std::cout << "Unable to save document!";
return 1;
std::cout << "Document saved!";
return 0;
I'm using SDK_WIN_x64_2019-2-222. The above code will always print 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 - component_instance_name - no matter if the component instance have any transformation taken in place (I exported them to skp with a transformation).
opened 04:19PM - 24 Mar 18 UTC
closed 03:50PM - 08 Feb 22 UTC
### C API Documentation Issue
#### [**`SUComponentInstanceSaveAs()`**](https:… //extensions.sketchup.com/developers/sketchup_c_api/sketchup/struct_s_u_component_instance_ref.html#add89b2be37466aa7499213e5289911cd)
> **DEPRECATED**: at API v10.0, SketchUp release 2022.0
New code should update to API v10.0 (or higher) and use the [`SUComponentDefinitionSaveToFile()`](https://extensions.sketchup.com/developers/sketchup_c_api/sketchup/struct_s_u_component_definition_ref.html#a98735078e64bf09c9f6ff04d295b9b88) function.
The 2nd parameter ...
`[in] file_path The file path destination of the serialization operation. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.
What does **_serialization_** mean here ?
Is this function meant to save out to a component SKP file ?
Confused because the Ruby API has **no** "save_as" method for the Instance class, but **does** have one for the Definition class. The C API has a "save_as" for the Instance object but **not** the Definition.
> **NOTE**: Fixed at API v10.0 with addition of the [`SUComponentDefinitionSaveToFile()`](https://extensions.sketchup.com/developers/sketchup_c_api/sketchup/struct_s_u_component_definition_ref.html#a98735078e64bf09c9f6ff04d295b9b88) function.
So referring to my "Scenario 2" in: https://github.com/SketchUp/api-issue-tracker/issues/70#issuecomment-375902656, it looks as though there is only a Ruby solution at present, for a batch mode means of correcting incorrectly nested DC files.
> **EDIT**: (2022-01-27) Revisiting, it appears that this would be doable since SketchUp 2019.2, API 7.1, when the ability to remove the unneeded wrapping definition was added with the [`SUModelRemoveComponentDefinitions()`](https://extensions.sketchup.com/developers/sketchup_c_api/sketchup/struct_s_u_model_ref.html#a33a670a5502718627a555e645e0e406a) function.
Before the definition removal, a copy of the nested DC instance would need to be added to the model's entities collection at the origin, and any (especially dynamic) attribute dictionaries copied to the new instance.
The dictionary copying chore could be avoided if running API v10.0, SketchUp release 2022.0 (or higher) and use the [`SUComponentDefinitionSaveToFile()`](https://extensions.sketchup.com/developers/sketchup_c_api/sketchup/struct_s_u_component_definition_ref.html#a98735078e64bf09c9f6ff04d295b9b88) function to save out the nested DC to a standalone file, then close and delete the "wrapped" component file. Lastly rename the new "unwrapped" DC component file in the local component collection folder to the old name.