I use this:
SUEntitiesRef entities = SU_INVALID;
SUModelGetEntities(model, &entities);
SUGeometryInputRef input = SU_INVALID;
SUPoint3D vertices[4] = { { 10, 10, 10 },
{ 100, 100, 10 },
{ 100, 100, 100 },
{ 10, 10, 100 } };
SUGeometryInputSetVertices(input, 4, vertices);
// Add the first face
SULoopInputRef loop = SU_INVALID;
SULoopInputAddVertexIndex(loop, 0);
SULoopInputAddVertexIndex(loop, 1);
SULoopInputAddVertexIndex(loop, 2);
SULoopInputAddVertexIndex(loop, 3);
size_t face_index;
SUGeometryInputAddFace(input, &loop, &face_index);
SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def = SU_INVALID;
SUComponentDefinitionSetName(comp_def, "CS");
SUModelAddComponentDefinitions(model, 1, &comp_def);
SUEntitiesRef comp_def_entities = SU_INVALID;
SUComponentDefinitionGetEntities(comp_def, &comp_def_entities);
SUEntitiesFill(comp_def_entities, input, true);
// Clean up geom_input
SUComponentInstanceRef instance = SU_INVALID;
SUComponentDefinitionCreateInstance(comp_def, &instance);
SUEntitiesAddInstance(entities, instance, NULL);
SUComponentInstanceSaveAs(instance, "comp.skp");
SUModelSaveToFile(model, "new_model.skp");
When I open the “comp.skp”, it has an error report,however,the “new_model.skp” is well.
the error :
The persistence ID of the primitive CEdge (25) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CVertex (26) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CVertex (27) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CEdge (28) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CVertex (29) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CEdge (30) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CVertex (31) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CEdge (32) is out of range - fixed
The persistence ID of the primitive CFace (33) is out of range - fixed
Where is wrong?