I am going to upgrade our SketchUp SDK from (11/3/2014) to (Oct-19-2015).
After I run the regression test, I found one model (Weldment_12_v26.skp) crashed under the new SDK environment.
It can be reproduced in the sample code “ReadingFromAskpFile”.
Crashed in the following line:
SUResult res = SUModelCreateFromFile(&model, “Weldment_12_v26.skp”);
Could anyone take a look why it crashes for the new SDK? Is this a regression bug?
There is no issue for the old SDK (11/3/2014) that we are using now.
By the way, the attached file was created by ourselves.
We want to know the detailed crash reason.
Is this crash a common workflow or only for this special model?
If the C API allows you to create groups/components with no names then that’s a bug in the API. I’ll file an issue for that.
Please review your code and make sure you always provide a name for components - and otherwise they are invalid.