Error: No implicit conversion of Float into Array

Here is the code:
ent = Sketchup.active_model.entities

#Hexagon head
hex_curve = ent.add_ngon [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], 4, 6
hex_face = ent.add_face hex_curve
hex_face.pushpull -3

#Screw and bolt group created
screw_curve = ent.add_circle [0, 0, -8], [0, 0, 1], 1.5
screw_face = ent.add_face screw_curve
screw_face.pushpull 8
bolt_group = ent.add_group ent.to_a = “Hex Bolt”

#Create nut
nut_curve = ent.add_ngon [10, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], 3, 4
nut_face = ent.add_face nut_curve
nut_face.pushpull 1.5
cut_curve = ent.add_circle [10, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], 1.5
cut_curve[0].faces[0].pushpull -1.5
nut_group = ent.add_group cut_curve[0].faces[1].all_connected = “Square Nut”
nut_group.transform! [-10, 0, -7]

full_group = ent.add_group bolt_group, nut_group = “Nut-Bolt Group”
t2 = Geom::Transformation.translation [10, 10, 10]
t1 = Geom::Transformation.rotation [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1] -45.degrees
full_group.transform! t1 * t2

The result is no implicit conversation of float into array. Error, why?

You can edit your post to use formatting, select the code and mark it as code to make it better readable:

``` ruby
# your ruby code

Also it is better to provide the complete and exact error message. When you run the code in the Ruby Console, you get:

Error: #<TypeError: (eval):693:in `-': can't convert Float into Array>

When skimming through the code, look for a place where a minus operator (method) is used and expects an array as argument, but receives a float instead. The “minus” method only then expects to get an array, when it is used on an array: Array#-

In your code that is the case in the 3rd last line where you attempt to subtract 45.degrees from [1, 1, 1] (Computers are so silly, but for humans it’s obvious that it was just a missing comma).

If you had copy-pasted the code into a file, enclosed it in a method and a module and run it, you would even get an exact line number.

[quote=“schiavo_caroline, post:1, topic:1758”]
Geom::Transformation.rotation [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1] -45.degrees
[/quote] contains issues.
It takes a point, so [0,0,0] == ORIGIN … OK
Then a vector, but [1,1,1] is a weird length vector - try [0,0,1] or Z_AXIS
AND the third argument ‘angle’ must be separated by a ‘,’ - otherwise it assumes you are trying to subtract 45.degrees from an array == error !
The error message tells you the problem !
So try some thing like:
Geom::Transformation.rotation([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], -45.degrees)


→ 1.7321"