Eneroth Component Breadcrumbs

98th extension is out! (are you also getting excited about what the 100th will be?)

This one shows the names of all open groups and components in the top of the screen, along with the count of identical components.

This can be useful to know you are editing the right thing, but also if there are other instances being affected.


Hey not fair! J/K

I already mentioned I was going to do this for the next version of the Edit Flag extension. But summer is hurricane season here and have not had time to do it.

P.S. - I’ve added mention of your breadcrumbs extension in the talk topics for the EditFlag extension both here and at SCF.

How are the breadcrumbs shown in pre-Overlay versions?

Can the user control where on the screen the breadcrumbs appear?
(Say the user is using some of Fredo’s extensions that draw interfaces at the top of the display.)

Can the user control the color ? the font?


Currently there isn’t any use Configuration but I’m thinking of ways to make my overlays moveable.

For pre overlay versions the overlay is activated as a tool. Not as nice but better than nothing.

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Such a fan of your Plugins @eneroth3 this is SO GOOD for not editing components that you shouldn’t be!

Since migrating to the 14" MacBook Pro M1 Max and MacOS Ventura, I have a text size problem on my external monitor that renders not only your plugin here, but others like Material Replacer unreadable what it puts on screen. This is how small the text is:

A quick search shows (A) many people have this problem, and (B) no one seems to have a good solution. To bad there isn’t a way to compensate within SketchUp.

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For some reason, it doesn’t seem that many people would download it. However, I downloaded it on two computers myself.

But it is also possible that the EW counter was also “painted over” during the most recent - so-called: “don’t fix, add more bugs and try to hide by paint” - EW update. :disappointed_relieved:

I guess, it doesn’t counting since the end of September.

I have some ideas for how to control the text in the future, but for now you can download the unencrypted version from GitHub and change the font size in main.rb on line 33.


Ouff. It looks like no download statistic has been recorded since new EW was launched. I’ll report internally.


Hi @eneroth3 I just tried this plugin and it’s very cool.

It’s unbelievably useful that we can see how many instaces of the current context are there in the model.

I have a few requests for you to consider:

  • Having a custom background color to text. (it kind of disappears sometimes and becomes harder to read)
  • If possible, have a background color for groups and another for components.
  • Allow us to read the name of a single selected object, at the end of the breadcrumb as it might be the context a user will dive into. The next breadcrumb level, the next door to enter. The next step…
  • Double click a context breadcrumb to exit it and type rename it. (If overlays allow that.)

And that’s it :slight_smile:


I’d love to implement this if I find the time :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’d love if you find the time to implement this :grin:

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Overlays do not currently allow any interaction via click. They do allow the extension to know where the mouse is located, however. So, if a command is defined and a shortcut is assigned to it, the overlay can tell the code where the mouse pointer is and in combination withview#text_bounds for each breadcrumb, pressing the shortcut key could set the active path to what was clicked what the mouse was hovering over when the shortcut was pressed.

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The mouse move event could be used to temporarily activate a tool that then listens for the click event. Not the cleanest implementation, but you can get clickable HUD using an overlay this way.


You don’t need to go to GitHub if you have a Mac. Instead, you can change the size of the text by going to*:

/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2024/SketchUp/Plugins/ene_component_breadcrumbs

*Copy the above text. In the Finder, click on Go>Go to Folder. Paste in the text and replace [USERNAME] with your home folder name (aka your login name) without the brackets. So, it would look something like


then click go.

Find the file named “main.rb”. Ctrl-click on the file and open using Text Edit or whatever text editor shows in the Open With… menu. Change line 33 to whatever size you want, save the file, and restart Sketchup.

I hope this is useful.

Yes, you do if you installed the encrypted release from the Extension Warehouse.
I.e., there will not be a "main.rb" file, but instead a "main.rbe" file.

Weird, my install was from the extension warehouse.

I apologize for bad information.

I guess it is worth a try to find the main file and see if it is locked.

I also have tried a bit to get my outliner overlay extension to be clickable via this method of mapping the screen and cross referencing the click location with the printed text to make a clickable overlay. I have not got it to work yet, but I’m little better than a monkey at the keyboard hoping to get lucky. Still interested in trying but as I understand I’ll need to invoke the tool with a shortcut or menu item as you say before I can make use of the screen click. Interesting.

BTW, I brought this up directly with @thomthom while at 3D Basecamp. He jumped on my machine and directly rewrote his code to patch the installation on my machine. It was fun to watch him do improvisational coding, and it was just a quick patch, but the point is, you guys are good at coding and I’m not. Converse with him, and he’ll have a better handle on the issue and a better general solution for everyone.

I apologize. Seeing your quote, I notice I wrote that wrong. The end of the sentence “to what was clicked” is incorrect. We cannot click on overlays.

It should have said “to what the mouse was hovering over when the shortcut was pressed.”

Some other coders have done a temporary tool kind of workaround when the mouse is within the breadcrumb bar.

But I am also wondering if an UI.context_menu_handler is doable when hovering and right-clicking within the breadcrumb text bounds? If so, then a custom shortcut assignment would not be necessary.

I understood what you ment.

that’s interesting, I never considered the right click option. FWIW relative to this thread I did a simple edit of my overlay code after other users had problems with text printing large or small at their screen resolutions to allow users to chose text size in px, it’s simplistic and perhaps a little kludgy but seems to work.

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