Elliptical array

Here’s one way to do an elliptical array, using the native SketchUp tools.

  1. Draw a circle; set the number of sides to equal the number of points you want in the array; you’ll use the vertices of the ellipse as insertion points. Made the circle’s radius equal to half the major axis of the ellipse.
  2. Use the Scale Tool to squash the circle into an ellipse. On the Mac, hold down the Option key while you scale the circle. Make the circle a component.
  3. Create the shape you want to arrange around the ellipse. Make it a component, and set its component axes on the center of the bottom of the shape.
  4. Select the shape component and move it into position on one of the vertices of the ellipse. Then copy and move the shape to the other vertices. You can see this in the attached example. The ellipse has 18 vertices, and the cylinders are centered on those vertices.
  5. If needed, delete the ellipse.