Dynamic Component Stretching

Hello all!

I am new to Sketch up and I have a question that unfortunately wasn’t able to find an answer - or maybe didn’t know how to find an answer.

I have the component show in this picture

What I want to do is this:

I want to stretch the whole component and have only the red surface scaled on the X and Y axes. The “gaps” around the red surface I want them to be consistent. I hope you understood what I am trying to achieve! I have some knowledge regarding smart objects but I haven’t managed to find a solution.

Thank you!

Use a left-to-right selection box to select these faces and edges and use the move tool…

(I think your question isn’t about a dynamic component, right?)

To clarify @Cotty’s closing question: is your intent that this object can be dynamically scaled to an arbitrary assortment of sizes based on user input, or just to resize it this once?

well yes, it is about a dynamic component and @slbaumgartner made it clear… My intention is that the object can be dynamically scaled to an arbitrary assortment of sizes based on user input.

I’m not a DC expert so I’ll let them chime in with details, but it is now clear that is what you need.

I believe you will need to break your component into several subcomponents nested inside a master (if it is not already structured that way), and assign their various length parameters either to fixed values or to formulas based on the master size. Look for examples of a paneled door to see ways others have done this.

So your shown component is composed of many sub-components and the stitching lines are hidden?

No it is not… This is what I am trying to figure out. The best solution. So your suggestion is to create a sub-component (the red surface) and then 2 more sub-components (the grey surface) with fixed size values and stitch all of these sub-components into one component?

I believe this is the best way if not the only one… Thanks for the tip about the paneled door. I will look it up!

You’ve wrote that you

and I assumed that you’ve wrote about dynamic components. I think you well nedd not less than 9 components here.

A nice introduction by Eric:

Great, I will watch it and come back if I have any questions. Truly appreciate the time you both spent on answering my questions!

The standard procedure would be to split the model into nine components:

The corner components would be set with fixed length attributes, and with position attributes determined by the overall size of the parent component. The sides would have a fixed width and height and a variable length, and position as in the corners. The center component would have a fixed height and position, with variable length and width.

Finally you can make the whole look solid by hiding the components’ connecting edges.


I thing I got it… Thanks a lot