Dynamic component - rotation with constant face's angles

Is it possible to make a DC and rotate it as on the picture?

I’m not into dynamic components but I would say that’s a translation instead of a rotation!
In SketchUp itself this would be done by moving a side up or down…

Probably with a bunch of trig and the right breakdown of the parent into children.

To get the result in your picture you can make a Dynamic Component with 3 parts - a middle block with top and bottom sloped parts that are all linked together in position and sizing. By setting some of the lines to be hidden the joins are not seen.

Sloped Dynamic Component

Dynamic Sheer-003.skp (11.3 KB)


Thanks, I marked the answer as the solution because it matches my query in this post, but then I realized that it’s not exactly what I need and I made a mistake when writing the query =), here’s what I would really like to implement:

So, now you are showing the two parameters that need to remain fixed when the block sheers (those dimensions 1500mm and 200mm).

To do that, I would build the Dynamic Component in a similar way, but have the sheered parts at each end, instead of on top and bottom.

The 1500mm length can be controlled using A+B. And the 200mm height is the height of the central block.

I am not sure exactly how you want to use this Dynamic Component but hopefully you can take this example as a proof of concept and adapt to your needs.

EDIT - Thanks to @MetalFingerz for suggesting a refinement (see posts below) I have updated this post with a better example (version 005)

The height and length of the block can be entered and remain fixed and the angle can be entered as degrees which will automatically create the sheer to keep the ends vertical.

Dynamic Sheer-005.skp (12.4 KB)

Screen Recording 2024-09-08 at 19.49.48-Animated Image (Mine)


It seems you could tie the Slope value to the Rotation one to prevent having two attributes ?
Assuming the slope value is the horizontal offset (B), Slope could be calculated with tan(Rotation) * Height of Block and that way you wouldn’t need to have a visible Slope attribute maybe ?


Yes, that’s a good idea. I’ll try adapting the last example I uploaded and update it with a new version if it works. I knew there would be a formula to automate this as all the attributes are numerical and related to each other. I just wasn’t sure what the formula would be. Thanks.

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Hi and thanks for posting this example. However, when I download it the model is missing the parent level. I only have the exploded child components. Am I doing something dumb?

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You are probably opening the model you downloaded instead of placing it into your model as a component.


So what you’re saying is “I’m doing something dumb” :laughing: Thank you!

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@Anssi has given you the answer. Don’t worry about not knowing this already. - it is not intuitive and I made the same mistake before. Glad you got the answer.

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If you make any components or dynamic components it is a very common related mistake to start a new model, create your component and to save the whole file with the same name. Now when this file is inserted into another model you have created a component that references itself, and if it has dynamic properties they are inside a second component “wrapper” and cannot be accessed unless you explode the component once.
The right procedure is to create your component, right-click on it and select “Save as” from the popup menu.

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