Hi. I’m having trouble with a seemingly simple component, a cabinet door, which I want on click to rotate but also to move inwards when open so it doesn’t go outside of the cabinet itself. This rotates the door correctly, but moves the door infinitely to one side (it should go back where it was when closed):
Thanks @pcmoor. While a pocket door will be handy, what I’m actually after is a normal door that only rotates. The rotation, however, should simulate a hinge that keeps the opened door within the cabinet dimension. Like this: UTRUSTA, Hinge, Opening angle: 95 ° - IKEA So, it’s not just a rotation but rotation with slight movement inwards. Thanks.
Generally it would be contain and controlled within another DC, so to make it a independent door, one can wrap it with another component. door_test.skp (193.7 KB)
Yes, but then if you click on any copy, all copies react which is not the preferred outcome. Is there a way to update position of the component after first click (door opened), so the next move (door closed) takes it into account?