I had some spare time to learn Ruby, but get bored … (you know my old “subject” oriented, “Commodore 64 Basic” brain can’t easily get this “super” “inheriting” “subclass” and so on…)
So, I’ve get some fun instead, I thought I’d share this:
#Just for fun...(?) ;-)
class MyFancyPointsStudy
def initialize(ani_start_size = 48, pointsize = 24, segments = 12, pointcolor = "DodgerBlue")
@ip1 = nil
@ani_start_size = ani_start_size
@pointsize = pointsize
@pointcolor = pointcolor
@segments = segments
def activate
@ip1 = Sketchup::InputPoint.new
@ip = Sketchup::InputPoint.new
@point_to_draw = nil
@point_ani = nil
def on_mouse_not_move(view, x, y)
# Stop the timers, otherwise infinitely run
UI.stop_timer(@timer_cursor_not_move) if @timer_cursor_not_move
UI.stop_timer(@timer_ani) if @timer_ani
@ani_size = @ani_start_size
to_green_color = 255
ani_time = 0.05
#start the animation
@timer_ani = UI.start_timer(ani_time,true){
@point_to_draw_ani = @ip1.position
@ani_size -= 1
to_green_color -=10 if to_green_color > 20
@ani_color = [to_green_color,255,0]
UI.stop_timer(@timer_ani) if @ani_size < @pointsize + 2
@point_to_draw_ani = nil if @ani_size < @pointsize + 2
# Start the timer to display fancy point after some time when animation done
to_draw_time = 0.2 + ani_time*(@ani_start_size-@pointsize)
@timer_cursor_not_move = UI.start_timer(to_draw_time, false){
@point_to_draw = @ip1.position
def onMouseMove(flags, x, y, view)
@ip.pick view, x, y
view.tooltip = @ip.tooltip
if( @ip == @ip1 )
on_mouse_not_move(view, x, y) if @ip.degrees_of_freedom == 0
@ip1.copy! @ip
UI.stop_timer(@timer_cursor_not_move) if @timer_cursor_not_move
UI.stop_timer(@timer_ani) if @timer_ani
@point_to_draw_ani = nil
def draw(view)
# @ip1.draw(view) if @ip1 && @ip1.display?
view.draw_points((@ip.position), 6, 3, "red" ) if @point_to_draw
draw_fancy_point(@point_to_draw_ani, view, @ani_size, @segments, @ani_color, false) if @point_to_draw_ani
draw_fancy_point(@point_to_draw, view, @pointsize, @segments, @pointcolor, true) if @point_to_draw
def draw_fancy_point( point, view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view, size=12, seg=12, color="black", bg=true )
# may have to define some limits, just in case:
# size = 3 if size < 3
# seg = 3 if seg < 3
# seg = 24 if seg > 24
# Fancy point outer radius, to create a little white padding around
radius0 = view.pixels_to_model((size+2)/2, point)
# Fancy point "real" radius, the line width taken into consideration (more or less)
radius1 = view.pixels_to_model((size-2)/2, point)
# Fancy point inner transparent 'circle'
radius2 = view.pixels_to_model((size-4)/2, point)
#angle to make the polygon vertices's of fancy point, according the segments number
angle = (360/seg).degrees
# The fancy point will be 2D, but should be facing to camera direction...
vec_ax = view.camera.direction
# ... by using axes transformation (arbitrary axes created from camera direction as z axis)
tr_ax = Geom::Transformation.axes(point, vec_ax.axes[0], vec_ax.axes[1], vec_ax.axes[2])
# Creating two set of point <arrays> , considering above mentioned transformation
# by using offset and rotation transformation
pt0z = []
pt1z = []
pt2z = []
pt0z[0] = point.offset(X_AXIS.transform(tr_ax), radius0)
pt1z[0] = point.offset(X_AXIS.transform(tr_ax), radius1)
pt2z[0] = point.offset(X_AXIS.transform(tr_ax), radius2)
tr_z = Geom::Transformation.rotation(point,Z_AXIS.transform(tr_ax),angle)
for i in 1..seg-1
pt0z[i] = pt0z[i-1].transform(tr_z)
pt1z[i] = pt1z[i-1].transform(tr_z)
pt2z[i] = pt2z[i-1].transform(tr_z)
# Creating half transparent white background inside
view.drawing_color = [255,255,255,128]
view.line_width = 1
view.draw(GL_POLYGON, pt2z) if bg
# Creating the "normal" and (ugly) rectangle point in the middle
view.draw_points( point, 2, 2, color)
# Creating the dotted always visible contour (2D or screen space)
# so this will sown even behind other objects (e.g. face)
# used for animation too
view.drawing_color = color
view.line_width = 1
view.line_stipple = "_" ## BTW. Can I scale 'length' of dots or dashes?
view.draw2d(GL_LINE_LOOP, pt1z.map{|p| view.screen_coords( p )})
# Guess what it is for...
view.drawing_color = color
view.line_width = 3
view.line_stipple = ""
view.draw(GL_LINE_LOOP, pt1z) if bg
# The white padding
view.drawing_color = "white"
view.line_width = 1
view.line_stipple = ""
view.draw(GL_LINE_LOOP, pt0z) if bg
Sketchup.active_model.select_tool( MyFancyPointsStudy.new(48,12,24, "dodgerblue") )
Enjoy! Or whatever…