Download all content bulk from 3D Warehouse

We have over 1k models in our content. I’d like to bulk download everything and save to a back-up hard drive. Does anyone know how to download all content (not indiviually x 1000)?

Where do you have the models?

Are you referring to your collections of models made by many different authors? Or are you talking about your own content that you uploaded to the Warehouse.

My own content.

All of our models show up in Our Content. They’re all private. We’ve been uploading them for years and I’d like to do a bulk download so I have them all in one place, in addition to 3d warehouse.

That is not currently a feature, carretive. That being said, I’d like to chat some more about that with you for future consideration if you’re available.

It sounds as if you do not have the SKP model files for your own models on your computer(s) or backup storage services. Are you relying on Trimble to maintain (forever) your models in the 3D Warehouse? No disrespect to Trimble, but I would not rely on that service to maintain the only copy of anything important to me.