Can anyone help me with a dimensioning issue I’ve been having.
I’m attaching a layout file for reference.
Basically what is happening is my dimensions wont snap to my walls at certain points but they are at others. In the model I’ve hidden lines through floors to blend the textures together and I thought that was the problem at first but it doesn’t explain why some corners work and others don’t.
I see what the mistake is
Now I have a new problem. I need those edges to be hidden for the elevations. Why can’t i dimension to the wall corners when the bottom edge is hidden?
What version of sketchup are you using? There doesn’t seem to be compatible plugins for the most recent version that draws points? I’m also confused at why I can’t just reference the edges of my wall.
Alot of the plugins have not been updated to say they are compatible with 2022, but they work anyway. Try one, the most that will happen is it will not work.
I tried about 4 of them and sketchup crashes. I see what @mihai.s has done. He was typing 0 as the length and I missed that part. Thank you guys for you help.
What if the scene that you want to dimension to were set to Show hidden Geometry. For a simple section floor plan, it may not make a difference in the appearance. Worth a try. See if the dimensioning works, then no extra steps every time you revise the layout.
Don’t know about Curic’s plugin, if that is easier.