I think the best thing that could possibly happen in the next release of SketchUp would be the dimensions in layout “sticking” for lack of a better term, to the model in which they are attached to. They do this within sketchup, but when something is dimensioned in layout, then the model for example gets wider or something, all of the subsequent dimensions in layout need to be manually re-positioned and re-stuck to the reference points which are being measured. I design custom furniture for a living, using exclusively sketchUp and Layout, and especially with custom, the customers are forever changing things, and it would save SO MUCH time if the dimensions updated themselves.
This is usually known as “associative dimensions.” Ie, they are associated with objects, and when the object moves the “anchor” of the dimension’s extension line moves with the object, which stretches the dimension.
Yes! Exactly. And there are associative dimensions in SketchUp, but not in LayOut. I am desperately hoping that they are able to integrate them into LayOut too!