Why does Diffusion suddenly make this pattern?
Is this in SketchUp 2022? What prompts are you using? What style have you selected? I’m not seeing that pattern on my end.
Sketchup 2024 for Mac. Don’t remember the prompts right now, but nothing fancy.. And it don’t respect my model anymore.. keeps coming up with things I don´t want. It worked better earlier today actually..
Please update your forum profile. It’s a couple of years out of date.
It would be helpfule to see all of the settings and prompts. I just opened it and it’s working as expected for me.
It’s going bananas here. this is just exterior photorealistic whithout any prompts? It looks more like pencil to me?
Prompt Influence is probably low here.
Maybe try to resize your viewport. You could try with half the size, it should work. We will investigate this issue.
Strange stuff.. The model on the left of this image works fine alone.. the one on the right does not work alone. together they both work.. No patterns. If I use the right building it produces patterns all over.. same settings for both.
Diffusion is not meant to be an accurate rendering engine, it uses AI and so far the most accurate engine using AI is Veras, that now belongs to Chaos but it still isn’t 100% accurate. Diffusion is more for early stages of a project unlike other rendering engines that are used at the end of a project to show it or to sell to the clients.
I know it´s not ment to be accurate. But what happened today was that diffusion started to fail, and produce strange things for no reason. I use Twinmotion for renderings that are ment to be more accurate. Diffusion can be really great for early stages, and that was what I was using it for today.
These patterns are not ment to be there is my guess.
We identified the issue and will fix it ASAP. Thanks for reporting.
Wow.. so it wasn´t just me doing something wrong again.
Is it something I can do to avoid it? in the middle of a project, and really need it to work better
For today and this model? The width of your viewport should be less than 2560px.