Dialogue box too small 3072x1920

I moved to a high screen resolution computer, and i can not find a way to get dialogue boxes at a readable size

dialogue boxes are created using ruby code prompts = ["…

i tried many combinations of screen resolutions and text sizes, but i can not find any that would solve the problem

would a change in the way dialogue boxes are generated, using HTML windows instead of sketchup native ruby code prompts = ["…, be the solution?

Do you mean you are using UI.inputbox class method) ?
How about the native dialogs in SketchUp, are these big enough? Or do you have similar issues? Screenshots?

Perhaps can be resolved by Change high DPI setting at SketchUp.exe Properties Compatibility tab.

What version of SketchUp are you using? Would you please so kind to complete your profile?

The Ruby HtmlDialog class allows you to create any kind and size of dialogs as you want.

The “conversion” between UI.inputbox and UI.HtmlDialog assumes a bit more in-depth knowledge of Ruby and Javascript and HTML language.

Might this help?

It is found in Settings>System>Display. SketchUp can support up to 150%.

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text size in the dialogue box is about the same as text size in drop down menu
2560x1440 is not the recommanded parameter for my computer, but it should work like this too
thank you

yes, i use
if i follow Windows recommandations for my computer
3072x1920 and 200%, i get that

text in dialogue box is smaller than text in drop down menu

i don’ know where at SketchUp.exe Properties Compatibility tab
is: how can i reach to Change high DPI setting ?

thank you

is located in
c:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2022
Right click on it and chose Proprieties, there you will find the Compatibility tab…

i found it
right click on ‘sketchup.exe’ in files manager window
show more options > properties
opens a window
choose compatibility tab
modify parameters high ???
check put to scale by… improved system

text size dialogue box is the same as text size in drop down menu

problem solved
thank you