Developing stand alone converters : execution error : "the code execution cannot proceed because sketchup.exe was not found"

Hi all,

I am trying to migrate my stand alone converters, from our own format to Sketchup, from an old version of the SDK to the last version. It goes on well except that when I start them, I have this message:

“the code execution cannot proceed because sketchup.exe was not found”

I don’t understand why a SDK application should get the Sketchup executable.

Does someone have an idea?

Thanks a lot and have a good day :slight_smile:

Did you link against the proper .lib?

In the newest SDK there are libs for Live CAPI (for plugins working with SketchUp) and for “stand-alone” API.

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Agree. In stand-alone (ie, using within your 3rd party application) your code cannot use any of the functions from these API header files:

Also, the import / export interfaces are for use as SketchUp plugin libraries:

Thanks for your answer.

It was indeed a link problem : I linked with sketchup.lib and should not have.

Thanks again and have a good day :slight_smile: