Default material in my.sketchup?

How can I restore default material / remove current material (for example to get material from parent component)?

Only way that I found is to pick-it from newly created face, but maybe it should be added to the material list or delete (cross) icon next to the material under entity info?

It doesn’t appear to be. Maybe the people making the interface didn’t understand the concept of the default material. or maybe they though the concept was too complicated and needed to be hidden away from the user.

Thanks for the observations, guys- there are still definitely some places where we haven’t got 100% parity between the desktop SketchUp application and SketchUp Free. This is especially true with Materials.

We’re pushing out new versions rapidly (three in the last week, actually) with updates and improvements all the time. Mostly, this week’s fixes were focused around widening the range of hardware which will support SketchUp Free reliably.


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