I am trying to model an existing part, but I can’t seem to get a groove cut into my cylinder. At this point I don’t necessarily need to taper either end of the groove I would be happy just to get a goove of the appropriate length, width and depth. I have tried creating a rectangle with dimensions of the groove I wish to cut, made it a group and placed it on the cylinder and tried to intersect the faces. No go.
I have attached a picture of the part I am trying to model. If anyone is able to help It would be most appreciated. I am also unable to locate “Joint Push Pull” or “Tools On Surface” in the extension warehouse.
The ‘missing’ tools you seek are available from SketchUcation.com PluginStore.
The ones you mentioned are Fredo’s… SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
Note that you also need to install Fredo’s Lib to use most of his [excellent] tools…
There are many Extensions available from SketchUcation, which - for various reasons - are not found in the EWH…
e.g. my own
You can get a Free Account to start with at SCF - which allows downloads of Plugins and discourse in the forums, but misses the various fringe benefits [freebies, discounts etc] of a modest-cost ‘Premium Account’ - just read the joining page and click on the right links…