Custom attribute not reporting because of user visibility setting

Hey. Just like the title says. I have a custom name attribute which is generated by a concatenate formula. If the attribute is visible to the user it populates Generate report with no name. If I hide it from the user it reports fine. In the pics below I am switching the attribute on 1 of 2 boards. Anyone else with this experience or work arounds?

Concatenated? Perhaps the parsing conflicts with _name?

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So I still can’t figure this out. :thinking: I isolated the problem behaviour though. In this component all 4 pieces of deck board have the exact same attribute AA_LIST_NAME, but 3 of them come up blank in generate report. What am I missing here? Maybe you can help Philip? @pcmoor

Edit: fixed a formula error.
problem tread.skp (996.0 KB)

Currently you have TreadFront AA_LIST_NAME, with no option label of “Decking Type” and its hidden

so matching all labels is required or list is split to other named label and reported as such “”
if all AA_LIST_NAME, in both attribute name and options label then can report all using dyc:AA_LIST_NAME (whether visible or not)

problem tread (1).skp (392.7 KB)

if all option labels same “Decking Type” and visible. then can report dyc:Decking Type

problem tread.skp (388.1 KB)

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OK got it figured, thanks Philip! I find it strange that the generate report behaviour varies here to favor display name as opposed to the actual attribute name. I made a separate attribute to display the decking type and left the AA_LIST_NAME to just do the reporting. Fixed tread:

problem tread fixt.skp (1009.3 KB)

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can reduce material size down to 128 from 1000?. Detail same

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:roll_eyes: Now you have given me another rabbit hole to go down cleaning up and minimizing all my textures, thanks Philip. :wink: :grin: Bet it makes a huge difference on my file sizes…