Create png file to 3d model

I am a really begginer sketsup user.
Inneed your helps.
I have seen some video how create from png file to 3d.
I downloaded the Curvizzard and S4u make face plugin. I got code to image trimmer, but I cant file the tools menu this opcion. If I gi into the s4u make face menu I find the image trimmer menu but If use nothing happens to the image.
What can I do to make it easy to create a 3d model from a png file like in the videos?

Which videos are you watching? Share the link here so we can see what it is you’re trying to do exactly. Also you can post screenshots of your model or upload your model here to the forum. This allows us to help you better.

Dere Eric,

Thank you. I am sorry about the late answer.
I attached the two video.
And eould like to do that what I seen on this video.

Just download the extension that the first video is showing: SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation

Then run the extension as directed. It works fine. I just ran a test and it took about 2 mins to install and complete the task.

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