I’ve been looking at TPU for some flexy items. Looks like it’s pretty flexy. Is it tricky to print?
We don’t know until we try…
Yes, it’s flexy, but not much more difficult to print than PLA. I’ve not tweaked my settings to print TPU, the layer bonding needs to be further improved, but it’s OK already.
This was an attempt to print a large underplate (230x230mm), but the forces became so great that the printed part at some point lifted the magnet plate and the print failed several times… any recommendations for such projects?
Can you clamp the magnetic plate down, some bulldog clips for example.
The clips look like a good idea, but once you pull the part from the plate would it warp because of the the original internal stresses?
Not sure what slicer you’re using but have you tried changing the infill pattern, say from rectilinear to honey-comb or cubic or…? That may change the stresses being introduced into such a large mass of material.
I’ve switched to printing direct to a glass plate. I do have to wait until the plate completely cools to remove big parts sometimes but I’ve been very happy with the adhesion and the release.
Checking out your caravan gadgets with envy. We have a camper van, and organizing and securing things is key to success. You are constantly stowing things on a trip, or it becomes chaos and there’s no room for the occupants.
Thanks for your suggestions, I have cancelled this project and replaced it with a wooden version. 3D printing does not have to be the answer to every problem
maskclip_cotty.skp (175.5 KB)
A mask holder for those times when you don’t need to wear masks and still want to have them handy.
The second plaster project in preparation for Christmas…
The pattern through the print layers was not intended, but it probably looks more exciting than without.
Now that is something i cold use to hang mask from . . Is it on Cults 3D or Thingverse ?
You can download the SketchUp file at the beginning of that post.