I am working on a service that allows content creators to copy protect their dynamic components. It works in such a way that it strips out their dynamicness and generates a ruby “companion” extension. This turns the dynamic component into… well… a not-so-dynamic-anymore-component. That component can still be viewed and can still be copied over to other computers etc, but the formulas you have added to them will only work when the companion ruby extension is also installed (and licensed etc…). My goal is to make it possible for content creators to sell their dynamic components.
I am looking for early adopters. The service is not production ready yet, but I believe I have got this ready enough to do some demoing. Please, feel free to send me a private message, or respond to this topic, if such a service sounds useful to you and maybe we could have a conference call about it.
I noticed 1 thread where there was speaking of an extension that strips out dynamic attributes upon save of the dynamic component, so that it can be shared safely without sharing the dynamicness.
Now, I am not creating an extension, but a service that takes a content creator’s dynamic components as input and generates an extension that, in return, can be sold by the content creator.
Currently no, but, it should be possible to define how much of the dynamicness should be protected.
I know with the two [I wrote] as either part of those threads [or maybe as PM’s], it was important to keep some functionality for the ‘customers’ version, but protect the creation values…