Configure live component - no menu appears


I’m trying to do the whole ‘configure live component’ thing, but there is no menu appearing when I click.

Doesn’t work on the ‘right-click’ menu either. Nothing… zero… zilch…

Any suggestions?



Can you show a small example model where a live component doesn’t configure for you?

It is possible the config window is opening on an external monitor. There are tricks for retrieving windows lost windows, but I haven’t found one that will help in this case. If anyone else reads this post, see if you can find the answer to the question “how to retrieve a lost Qt window”.

For now, if you sometimes work with a second monitor, trying connecting that monitor.

same here-does any one know what to do? alt+space+m does not help, neither working only on my lap-top or with external screen. Have also turned of completely. “Generate report”, “component options” for dynamic components and the other extensions i have tested is working ok. The problem started 3 days ago.