why does the compo in the ifc-vier shows cm as unit, when the model in skp used for export uses m as unit system ?
when iterating all compo atrribute libraries, i get only:
no key named “ausfuehrung” (without the underline prefix…)
thanx for helping!
edit 1:
can it be , that there are two separate internal attribute lists in one diuctionary, put together in an ifc exprot?
i found out, that
attributes defined thru the menu for components are not visible , when i iterate the dictionary bis ruby,
but both are brought together under “dynamic atributes”, when in ifc …
The IFC attributes are implemented as Classifications.
Even though classification attributes can be shown in the DC Options dialog, classifications are not part of the "dynamic_attributes" dictionaries.
They have their own attribute dictionaries attached to the component definitions.
One dictionary will have the name "AppliedSchemaTypes" which will list all the classifications that a particular definition has been tagged with. (This means that a component can be classified multiple ways.)
For each of the applied classifications, the definition object will have a dictionary with the same name as the classification name, … "IFC 2x3" in your case.
This attribute dictionary object is a nested tree of dictionaries. (The AttributeDictionary class is an Entity subclass so itself can have a collection of child dictionaries.)
Okay this has nothing to do with the API. You should likely ask this question in the main SketchUp category. (It may be an open issue for the native exporter that does have some issues.)
There is a custom extension. See this old discussion …
for the new parameters then i have to create an own attribute dictionary,
from which the kae & values will be exported to “dynamic attributes” going to ifc
this new library can have any name, as far , as i can see.
in the viewer i can can see both , the system component attributes (menu > ausfuehrung and test 1) and the ruby-made-attributes (extra dictionary > DIREKTER KEY))
in the ifc-summary:
What you show is the Component Attributes dialog window that is used for Dynamic Component authoring.
Dynamic attributes can be added by Ruby, but it is a very advanced concept because the DC extension is close source.
But this authoring dialog has nothing to do with IFC because (as I said earlier) the "dynamic_attributes" dictionaries do not hold IFC data. Again, classifications use their own dictionaries.
Do not confound these 2 separate concepts just because the Component Options dialog has been improved to allow the setting of classification attributes (such as IFC data.) The values are still going into separate dictionaries.
ams: I’m not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do. Do see IFC related attributes from the model when you export? (To IFC) And you don’t want these attributes to appear in the export?
Perhaps you can attach a sample model to go along with this question so we can inspect it?
These are custom dynamic attributes that you’ve manually added via the DC authoring dialog window.
These have nothing at all to do with BIM or IFC attributes. Again, you need to realize that IFC data are implemented as a Classification, which are defined by a XML schema definition (XSD) file with a .skc file extension.
Please stop saying “sketchup menue” … it is the Dynamic Component Attributes interface window.
This DC interface and the “dynamic_attributes” dictionary is a complex closed source implementation.
You cannot simply add a dynamic property using the #set_attribute method. The Dynamic Components extension uses a set of special hidden attributes to define a dynamic property that is shown in the Component Attributes interface window. (Look at the list that you have shown of the dictionary. Each dynamic property has a set of attributes that begin with "_#{propertyName}_". Without these attributes, the interface does not know how to display them.)
You keep saying that you wish to create custom IFC attributes, … and I keep telling you that these need to be defined in a classification schema, but only IF the default supplied "IFC 2x3.skc" does not allow adding custom data on-the-fly.
What is “Schid” ?
I see that “Stoff” means “Fabric”, …
Are there not any place in the IfcFurnishingElement data hierarchy where you can enter this information ?
hi dan,
first : sorry, if i used wrong expressions - i will learn
but as far as i can see, i totally misunderstood the basic idea of ifc.
i understood, that there are the ifc-types (as defined in sketchup component - element-information [type]), where i can define it as storey or bulding of furniture [ifc-attributes]. ok.
but this list is limited to basics like columns, walls etc…
i thought, tat - on top of this - i can assign various informations to the elements like materials, colours etc., which also become a part of the component-instance-information, passed via ifc to the investors viewer.
but those can only be asigned in component attributes in the Dynamic Component Attributes interface window, as far as i can see…
i was trying to find some descriptions about ifc on the web, but was not lucky enough yet to find an overview for beginners.
i must confess, that at the moment i somehow do not understand the scheme system (classification).
but i will try to study the structure of the scheme file IFC 2x3.skc tounderstand more.
thanx a lot for helping. for now i will export with the standard ifc-attributes.
Once again, no. Those attributes you are adding get added to the “dynamic_attributes” dictionary.
They will not be added to the BIM / IFC data which have their own dictionaries (which use the classification name as their top level dictionary name.)
The .skc is just a custom file extension for a standard XSD file.
There should be tons of information about XML Schema Definition files out on the web.
But as I linked up above, … if this all confuses you, then perhaps you should try the custom IFC extension by Jan Brouwer :
hi dan,
i have to thank for your infos. it took a little bit longer to split
ifc from dynamic
schema from attribute_directory
in my head.
but i think, i am on my way.
finally i know:
model contains the schemata
element have their directories,
where some of them hold the ifc-data.