Thank you very much Dave – I have to noodle on this for a bit.
DaveR SketchUp Sage
January 19
I’m glad you got the solid component this time. Here’s the approach I’d use for drawing the molding parts.
From left to right:
- Draw the molding profile as a face. Think sliver of the cross section of the molding. Also draw a path to represent the edge of the molding. In this case I have the left side, front and a little bit of a return on the right side. That return will help make the miter for the right front corner.
- Select the entire path, get Follow Me and click on the profile.
- Since you said you rip the molding to thickness after the molding pass on the shaper, I filled in the back side to make it flat. This only required connecting the ends of the arcs top and bottom with straight lines and the erasing the unneeded edges.
- While you still have the Line tool, draw in the lines for the miters at the corners top and bottom. You only need to do this for horizontal faces because they don’t get divided automatically.
- Drag a right to left selection box around the end of the return and delete it. This will leave a miter on the right end of the front molding piece.
- Drag a left to right selection box around the front molding and make it a component. Make sure Replace selection with component is checked. Triple click on the side molding geometry to select all of that geometry. Make a component. Both should be solid but if one isn’t open it for editing and draw a line along one of the miter edges to heal the missing miter face. Copy the side component over to the opposite end of the front molding and use Flip Along to mirror it. Put it in place.
The steps sound more tedious than they are and the process goes quickly. You can make all the molding sticks you need in a single Follow Me operation and easily create the required components from the result.