Per Nick Sonders’ and others suggestion, I create my models over a few different files, pulling them altogether into one “master” file / model at the end. In order to keep everything in the correct location across these several model files, I create a reference plane for each XYZ direction. I create these in the first file, then copy / paste in place across the other files for the aspects of the model that I need. Everything gets positioned through reference to these planes.
When I create a component, I use component attributes to lock its position in the XY (and sometimes) Z planes. However, if I copy this component and then paste in place in another file, these locked attributes are no longer locked. I go to the component attributes dialog and the X and Y coordinates still exhibit the equals sign at the start that typically locks them in place, but the component can still be moved.
Anyone know why these components don’t stay locked in place in this manner?
Thanks for getting back to me, Mike. Yes, here are 2 dropbox links:
this first one is to the file where I created the component and locked it via component attributes in the x and y directions. it can be moved in z
this link is to another file that I copied / paste in place the same component. if you look at component attributes, its still “locked” in x and y, yet you can move the component.
I’ve not been able to manipulate either the component or attributes such that the component becomes locked.
I appreciate any insight you might be able to provide!
Save as component to a SKP file. This puts the DC attributes at the top model level within the SKP saved out likely to a custom local component library folder.
Then you add that library folder to the component browser via the “Details” menu button and the item “Open or create a local collection…”
Then you select it like any component from a sample library or 3DW, and you insert into the desired model using the PlaceComponentTool (which is activated automatically upon chosing any component in the component browser panel.)
The SKP component file is brought in as a component definition, with a new instance placed where you click with the mouse. (You see the instance stuck to the cursor until you click or cancel via ESC.)
Seems the hard way. Components (even non-DCs,) have a built-in “glue to” feature that can be set to Horizontal, Vertical, Sloped, Any, None. (Default is None.) The components will “snap” to the kind of faces specified in their definition’s “Glue to” property. (But weirdly the definitions must be drawn lying flat on the ground plane so that the definition’s Z axis will later correspond to the “snapped” face’s normal.)
But I want the component to be placed precisely as it was located, relative to the origin, in the original file in which it was created. Not where I “click the mouse”.
Your follow up post about “Gluing” - I’m not gluing this component to any surface. I’m locking it into a specific position in Sketchup space (at least the x and y positions). And, actually, locking it via component options isn’t all that difficult, or time consuming - if it worked!
Perhaps I’m missing something in what you’re explaining.